Sophie Zucker
The Ladies Who Ranch (name meaning: nothing) are a group of comedians who care deeply about uplifting female voices, in particular their own. They are Sophie Zucker, Maya Sharma, Kelly Cooper, Caitlin Dullea, and Caroline Yost. The way they met is boring (improv class, dingy basement, lots of rats), but the comedy they do is not. Their monthly, typically sold-out show at Union Hall includes unhinged character performances, dreamy monologues, attacks on their audience, and unconventional musical bits. TimeOut NY has called them “demented” and an “onstage experiment.” The New York Times heralded them as the “sometimes improper quintet of funny ladies.” They recently sold their animated half hour to Paramount. They were listed as both "Best of 2021 Comedy" and "Comcs to Watch in 2022" by Comedy Bureau and Gold Comedy, respectively.
Together, Kelly Cooper, Sophie Zucker, Maya Sharma, Caroline Yost, and Caitlin Dullea are not only a multi-faceted comedy troupe that dazzles when doing either improv or sketch as Ladies Who Ranch, but are, for our money, the NYC group to watch closely right now
As a collective, they have a dynamic that puts the audience at ease; they trust each other, their timing is on point, and they create space in their shows for each group member to shine. Their content proves they can conquer every type of comedy—shows are peppered with moments of group improv, fast-paced video sketches, wacky impressions, musical outbursts, and breaking of the fourth wall, one-woman show style. Watching them perform is like getting invited to a sleepover with a group of best friends who have decided to let you in on their inside jokes.
"The Ladies Who Ranch is a comedy group composed of Caitlin Dullea, Kelly Cooper, Maya Sharma, Caroline Yost, and Sophie Zucker.
In just one show alone, I witnessed the hippie French singer-songwriter Caroline Yost, an amusingly generic teen Brit actress possibly named Muffy [Zucker], and an egg who is also an emerging playwright....
My favorite part of the show, though, is at the end when they tell each other, sincerely, that they each had a great show and compliment each other’s bits. It’s clear that they love each other, which makes this show a lady-tastic treasure." - Buzzfeed
"I watched one show on Instagram Live by the Brooklyn comedy group Ladies Who Ranch. By the end, when I was one of maybe 11 people left watching, I wasn’t sure if I was watching it as I would a comedy show so much as vicariously getting to live through a group of friends playing....Improv, rooted in such old-fashioned virtues as friendship, trust, and community, feels like something we can all use." - Vulture
"No computer in the tristate area (or Russia) is safe in this cyberthriller from Sophie Zucker, Maya Sharma, Caitlin Dullea, Caroline Yost, and Kelly Cooper, otherwise known as the Ladies Who Ranch, a sketch group that performs regularly at the Brooklyn Comedy Collective in New York. If you’re a tech buff who always wonders what it means to “firewhack the module,” this sketch is for you." - Vulture